Immovable sc/st property transfered in favour of a power plant
Lalit kumar jena
(Querist) 10 May 2013
This query is : Resolved
dear experts,on 2008 by a sale deed landed schedule tribe and schedule caste property transferred to a general member with out taking proper govt permission OLR 22 in odisha,than the concern officer execute the registration without OLR22,OF 1960(PERMISSION TO sale the SC/ST landed property with prior permission from govt.)to safe guard the tribal tenancy.After this the purchser took high court stay on the case land for no eviction of the case land as the Vendors are move to court for restoration of their land,in between the case pending under the sub collector and subcollector had passed an order to vacate the case land,and restore the same to the original tenant,but after 2 years the purchaser change and correction of ROR in the sub registry without the knowledge of the parties,THe question arise here how can a Tahasildar Change the ROR when a case is pending in the higher court advise..
Advocate Ravinder
(Expert) 11 May 2013
Yes, it is illegal. File contempt petition before the court against the concerned Tahasildar and other higher officials involved in the issue. You can also file a case under SC and ST atrocities Act both under IPC and special act of SC AND ST atrocities act.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 11 May 2013
The transfer without permission is void and no effect can be given to it.
Lalit kumar jena
(Querist) 13 May 2013
thank u sir,mr.prabhakar and ravindra.for ur cooperation.