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Importance of Registration of Temple Trust in Village

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 27 August 2010 This query is : Resolved 
we the villagers of Makhjan in Ratnagiri District having our worship temple since 1982 and we are operating it through our Mandal through its member but still today we have neither Registered our Temple Trust nor its Mandal before the Charity Commissioner. Can i get me know what are the importance of Registration of Temple Trust and its Mandal, What benefits we would get after its Registration and whether it is essential or not.
s.subramanian (Expert) 15 September 2010
It is better to have the trust registered. It will be safe in many respects. When a group of persons or individuals are funtioning there should be a recognised system in adminitration. Otherwise it wil lead to confusion and chaos.Hence it is better to get it registered.

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