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information technology

(Querist) 07 July 2008 This query is : Resolved 
hello friends...
i just want to know whether a practicising lawyer can maintain his/her own websites containing all the informations about his profession/practice.. and if this is permitted by law what are the legal formalities which has to be complied with for maintaining the website.


rimpy chaudhary
Guest (Expert) 07 July 2008
You can maintain a website, only thing is you should not advertise. It can porivde your address phone, email id, your articles, areas of practice and such information.

It shoud not any material that will be an advertisement of your services.

Any web designer will guide you through the issue.
Manish Singh (Expert) 07 July 2008
this provision is still not quite clear yet that to what extent we can provide information on our websites.
But yes, you can not provide any client info, associates info etc.
arunprakaash.m. (Expert) 07 July 2008
According to Bci rules you can maintain your website provided it should not be accessed by public but same can be accessedby your clients with password provided to them. Clients can know about their case details status etc.
G. ARAVINTHAN (Expert) 05 September 2008
Bar Council of India had laid down rules for promotion of websites by practicing advocates. But the important condition is the secrecy of the client have to be restored in a good manner. If any client or person complains as if his name was defamed, the concerned Practitioners enrollment/membership would be weighed in the eyes of law

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