(Querist) 25 October 2011
This query is : Resolved
The Managing Committee Sent a letter to me to update their records by providing a true copy of the share certificate and agreement. To this I found something fishy as a result i wrote a letter to them requesting them to allow me to inspect my following records:1. Members Registration,
2. Transfer Registration,
3. Nomination Registration,
4. Share Certificate Registration,
5. Members file if any,
6. Minutes book of acceptance of
Associate Member, Nomination
7. Agreement,
8. All relevant documents pertaining to
my flat.
They asked me to come & see the documents. I made some Findings:
1.Members Registration - Was in a book form with details
2.List of Members - Register Form with details
3.Register of Members- book form with details,
4.Register of Nomination - Book form with details
5. Associate Members - Register Form with details
6.Share Certificate - Only xerox
7.Members File- Only from 17th March 2010 where as i have been staying in my premises from the last 36years..- this created doubt in my mind as to why are the previous years records not available with them. - No reply from them on this.
What action can be taken against them for not informing me regarding my missing documents.
Also I asked them a copy/original of the agreement to which they did not have..
I also wanted to find out if the managing committee is supposed to have only a xerox of the share certificate or are they supposed to have a Similar copy like that of mine in their records.
Are there any other documents that should be in their possession & i need to see.
I also want to find out if a Committee Member who is a Real Estate Agent is holding the post of a Jt.Sec in our building is it a Valid or can some action be taken against him - Mumbai
ajay sethi
(Expert) 25 October 2011
are you aware that being office bearers of society is a honorary job . ? mmembers of managing committee are not paid but are doing this management selflessly .
if records are not available for period before 2010 then members of managing committtee are at fault. you cna complain to registrar . he will take inspection of society records .
for your kind information very few societes are professionally managed in mumbai . most societes dont have nay records .
there is no provision for joint secreary .
there can be chairman , secretary , treasurer no joint secretary
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 25 October 2011
Yes ! complaint about the same Before DCSR.
(Querist) 25 October 2011
Dear Mr.Ajay Sethi,
Thanks for you valuable advise but a little more guidance from your end would be appreciated...
We have the following positions in the managing committee
2.Vice Chairman
4.Jt. Secretary
9.Lady Member
So in the above case would the position of the Jt.Sec be nullified as stated by you..
Thxs once again
ajay sethi
(Expert) 25 October 2011
legal requirement to have one lady member . the number of members in mangaing committee depends upon number of members in society .
no need to have jt secretary , vice chairman etc
(Querist) 25 October 2011
we have 163 flats in our 2 buildings sharing the same society office. So can all the above posts be scrapped and just have simple headings.