ankit gupta
(Querist) 26 May 2008
This query is : Resolved
hi there
please tell me how and where can i do internships.i reside in east delhi,laxmi nagar area.
am a student of law and i have completed my second year.
please reply asap
Manish Singh
(Expert) 27 May 2008
there are lots of law firms working in delhi and apart from that you are quite near to all the courts.
If you wish to make your career in litigation sector then join some good lawyer, you can find them on internet, after june. amke an online application for can also find pool of law firms on internet, so apply to them and if they find you worth having, they will give you a call.
Prakash Yedhula
(Expert) 27 May 2008
Select a good lawyer with rich experience. Initially it is better to do internship with a civil lawyer. This will help you a lot. Thereafter you can choose the specialisation field like taxation Intellectual Property, Criminal side.