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Interrogatories ...

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 03 August 2011 This query is : Resolved 
Can Interrogatories under Order 11 of CPC be filed before the start of Arguments also or is it to be filed before the Respondents Evidence is complete.

Thanks ...
kuldeep kumar (Expert) 04 August 2011
interrogatories itself is making ones case strong by watever admission he can sought from opponents so in this view of fact it should be administered before argument.otherwise there will be no use of such regards discovery and production they are different from interogatories.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 04 August 2011
Can Interrogatories under Order 11 of CPC be filed before commencement of the Arguments ...
kuldeep kumar (Expert) 04 August 2011
yes it can be filed
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 04 August 2011
The next hearing is for Arguments so i should move an application on the date of the hearings or before that ...
DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (Expert) 04 August 2011
yes if you have strong reasons otherwise it will be treated as delaying the matter.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 04 August 2011
But i happen to locate a new evidence only now through internet and my respondent evidence is over and the case is fixed up for arguments in the next hearings ... as the evidence which i have located goes to the root matter of the case i would like to move an application as interrogatories ...

DEFENSE ADVOCATE.-firmaction@g (Expert) 04 August 2011
Yes but you should be able to explain its importance to the court. If you are so sure submit a detailed application with desired questions and request court to pass a speaking order .
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 04 August 2011
If the interrogatories are made at the time of respondents evidence instead of before the Arguments, does that makes any difference or at that time too the person has to explain the importance and the timing to apply interrogatives does not matter but the importance of the issue is the only imp.

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