Invoicing system (central excise)
(Querist) 10 April 2013
This query is : Resolved
One of my client is having excisable unit. He raise the Invoices in March-13. But does not despatch the goods same day for 10-15 days.
But Excise duty is paid on such invoices as on 05.04.2013.
On 08.04.2013 these invoices are cancelled and cenvat credit is taken on cancelled invoices in April 2013.
Please advice it is permissible or not.
(Expert) 11 April 2013
At first,the cancellation of Invoice should be reported to the Suptd. Central Excise of the concerned range. As you have deposited the duty but you have not mentioned here whether you have filed Reurn ER-1. Because if you have not filed the return, you can not show the deposit.