Is applicable rti act to private companies
(Querist) 19 January 2013
This query is : Resolved
One private Finance company received notice from Public Information officer in which they have directed to Fiance company to provide details directly to applicant within 30days, which was the applicant was asked,i.e loan details etc.,
It's my opinion RTI Act is not applicable to Private companies/organisations. if recently anything amended I don't know.
pls confirm me is RTI ACT applicable to private organisations or not.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 19 January 2013
Your opinion is accurate. The order of PIO is illegal.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 19 January 2013
RTI Act applies to that information which can be derived by govt deptt from private body
(Querist) 19 January 2013
Govt. dept., how to take information from private bodies.
Arvind Singh Chauhan
(Expert) 19 January 2013
As every finance company is controlled by Reserve Bank of India / govt. and comes under the purview of RTI Act.
But information can not be sought from such organization directly and be sought from the authority who has control over them. i.e information about private school can be sought from District education officer, not from such school.