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Is girls parent file dahej case against boy's family after sagai and before marriage?

(Querist) 05 April 2013 This query is : Resolved 

1. it is possible if girl's parent file case of dahej against boy's parent after sagai and before marriage ????

2. If girl's parent threatining boy's parent as they file case against boy's family as Sagai was already done. Now they dont want to do anything from there side like reception and function and all expense should be bear by boy's family. Then in this case - how can a boy's family will protect themselve ???

Please reply

ajay sethi (Expert) 05 April 2013
if girl side performing marraige you should do the reception or bear expenses 50 : 50 . times have changed . days are gone when girl side would be saddled with allexepnses
Adv. Chandrasekhar (Expert) 05 April 2013
Avoid ostentatious marriage and share the marriage expenses equally.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 05 April 2013
There is no provision of law which compels a girls family that they must let the marriage happen and then file dowry complaint. They can file complaint as and when (really or falsely) demand is there.

You said that they do not want to bear reception expenses. Customarily such expenses are born by boys side. Are you wanting them to bear this expenditure.

Insisting of sharing of expenditure will aggravate matter and strengthen dowry demand allegations.

Matter does not appear to be so simple. You have no choice but to go for court marriage or Arya Samaj Marriage under intimation to police. If marriage is to be done.

Or you may just return the gifts and exchanges in sagai (and any further damages they may demand) and call of marriage.
R Trivedi (Expert) 05 April 2013
Just break the SAGAI !!
ajay sethi (Expert) 05 April 2013
alternative solution

ask the girl side how much they spent on engagement . reimburse said amount by cheque . settle issue amicably
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 05 April 2013
Relationship cannot be forceful and under threats. bearing expenses or sharing it is other aspect but the major thing is threat to entangle in dowry case if the expenses are not borne by the family of boy. This threat indicates that such relationship is going to be a big problem if the same is not recognized as on day.

Break this relationship at this stage by returning all items and expenses incurred by another side.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 06 April 2013
I will disagree with the idea that "Just break the SAGAI !! " Then someone will advise girl side "just file dowry case"

You have to break the way suggested by Mr Sethi and Mr Makkar.

It appears from your blog that you have already expected them to bear the cost of reception which is none of their responsibility. Apparently you have already spoiled the pot. So the exit has to be peaceful. You are at receiving end.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 06 April 2013
There is no hard and fast fixed rules about
receptions in any corner of India.

When an arranged marriage is to be performed
customarily the father of girl visits boys house with men known to boy side to get satisfied about the facts he has been informed about ,then if he makes up the
mode negotiation about WHAT IS PROHIBITED starts by proposals and counter proposals,then after consensus of both parties a RITUAL called 'Var-raksha' takes place,a token of advance is given by girls father to boys' father and a date of TILAK is fixed,it is this date on which the major part of WHAT IS PROHIBITED but agreed is handed over.On this occasion a ceremonial Dinner is hosted by the boy side to people of his acquaintance.Then BAARAAT proceeds on date fixed to girl place where marriage rituals takes place in accordance of custom
and saptpadi.On this occasion a ceremonial Dinner is hosted by the girl side to BAARAATIS as well as people of her family acquaintance.

We can see how things proceed yet our shastra call it sacrament.

In some geographies TILAKOTSAV is not performed rather a dinner of BAHOOBHJ is hosted by boy side after the girl is carried to boy's home after marriage.

Inflation here also has forced to do some amendment in these practices,that is parties assembled at a common city and host a single joint dinner.

So this is not a big issue.It becomes so only because we do want to practice social
customs which are economically not affordable,then comes the tussle who would bear?

Once we come out of this physic which kills us unnecessarily and go happily for alternates,as suggested by Mr.Sudhir,much of these problems can successfully and peacefully be managed.

Legislations can not solve these problems.

Politicians are legislatures.We all watch
how grandly with all pomp and show these ceremonials go in their families.Being leader they must understand their social obligations but they are mad with powers they enjoy in every sphere and those social activist who more often than not look legislations as solution to these kind of problems can do much good to the society if they endeavour to mend the very psychic of the society.I see this as a rouge in society only because of a "copycat psychic "where people runs under immense pressure of complex of comparing.THE DAY WE SUCCEED TO SAY THIS KIND OF BAD psychic GOODBY all evil bacterias would die of without any need of any Insecticide of any legislation.
R Trivedi (Expert) 06 April 2013
The intent behind my post was same as that of Mr Makkad and Mr Sethi. I just wanted to convey that get rid of this SAGAI and of course amicably and do not even think of marriage even if matter gets resolved temporarily.

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