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Is having bc-e certificate eligible for applying as clerk in sbh

(Querist) 30 January 2013 This query is : Resolved 
good mrng sir,i have BC-E certificate and i cleared SBI associate banks written exam in OBC category in which i applied for SBH bank from Andhra Pradesh state. now my frnds saying that u r muslium(shaik) so u will come under OC not OBC.But i have seen the OBC list of AP state in that SHAIK is there in list.My doudt is i appied for AP state in which SHAIK comes under OBC category and so i want to know is my BC-E certificate valid for attending interview under OBC or not..
pls tell me know the answer sir. i need ur guideness
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 31 January 2013
Please be clear in which list you community is there

(i) one list is prepared by central Govt , separately for each state. This list applies for appointment in central Govt deptts and PSUs.

(ii) other list is prepared by state Govt valid only for state Govt appointments.
irffani (Querist) 31 January 2013
thank u sir. i have no doubt about my community sir, my community comes under state list as OBC .
IS a CLERK in STATE BANK OF HYDERABAD comes under state govt or central govt appointments?
M V Gupta (Expert) 31 January 2013
Central Govt.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 31 January 2013
central Govt list will prevail though this is also state-wise.

If a community is covered only in the list prepared by State Govt then even the certificate has a mention that it is valid for state Govt job only.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 10 February 2013
I do agree with sudhir.

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