Issue of power of attorney
(Querist) 17 June 2009
This query is : Resolved
Dear All
I need clarification on following points with regard to issue of power of attorney:
1. Can one person issue a single power of attorney in favour of two or more persons with respect to the same property so that in case of non availability of one of the attorney holders, the other holder can do the transaction OR is the giving of power in favour of one or more persons for the same property invalid?
2. Also if a person is giving a power of attorney to his brother/s, then what is the amount of stamp duty payable for the said purpose?
3. If the power is given for dealing with two or more properties and other business aspects also, then how much stamp duty would be payable?
Nehal Shah
Y V Vishweshwar Rao
(Expert) 18 June 2009
1- Yes there can be single Power of attorney in favour of Two are more Persons
2- The Power of attorney in favour of Family member / Brother - in AP - is Rs;- 1000/- Stamsp & Rs;-1000/- Fee and Rs;- 150/-UC in all Rs;- 2150-00 , it may include two are more properties and Business - If it is in favour of Family member / brother - the same Duty as under No;;-2 above .