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Job during the last year of post-graduate course

(Querist) 31 October 2018 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Sir/Madam
I got selected in a public sector bank during the last year of my full-time post graduation degree course.I decided to join and accordingly, I could not attend the last year of the course ; however, I appeared for the semester exams during the last year by taking leave from work, and subsequently cleared my exams and received the marksheet for the complete course. I plan to appear for a government exam where the minimum qualification required is a post-graduate degree. Does my absence during the last year of course and simultaneously working in a public sector institution , render my degree invalid? Is it illegal to work in a public sector institution while at the same time appear for exams of a regular full-time post graduation course?

Any advice on the said issue is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 31 October 2018
Did you inform/ seek permission of your employer to take exam ? If so, there is no problem and it shall be acceptable.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 31 October 2018
If you have joined PSU bank and did not inform the bank about continuing study and did not obtain written permission then just forget about applying for any job in public sector where PG is the qualification even if you have managed attendance at institute.
harijeet singh (Querist) 31 October 2018
Thank you for the answers. I had submitted a written application mentioning that I'm pursuing the last year of post graduate course at the time of joining. The relevant officers were informed. They were supportive , however, I don't have any written permission from them. Is a written permission the only solution? My holidays, that were sanctioned , during the exam days, do they amount to some sort of permission? What should be done? Kindly guide.
Guest (Expert) 31 October 2018
Mr. Harjeet Singh,

Your statement, "I could not attend the last year of the course ; however, I appeared for the semester exams during the last year by taking leave from work, and subsequently cleared my exams and received the marksheet for the complete course," makes me believe, that you have posted merely a hypothetical academic query, as no university allows a student to appear in any exam with full year's absence from a full time course. Validity of a degree is a remote and secondary issue in the present scenario, as per your own hypothetical description of the problem.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 31 October 2018
Sanction of leave is not the permission.

sanction of leave is vested with head of the office or any officer delegated as such and he sanctions leave as per recommendations of controlling officer.

Such permission is generally granted by the authority delegated as HOD or by appointing authority.
A. A. JOSE (Expert) 31 October 2018
Dear friend,

Don't get panic! Congrats that you have passed the examination alongwith your job which requires lot of hard work and determination. By acquiring higher qualifications, you have not committed any unpardonable crime. As you have duly intimated your employer, that too in writing, at the time of joining your job and also got the leave sanctioned in advance for the purpose of appearing in the examination, you are deemed to have been permitted by your employer to complete your P.G.Course. Further, the validity of your P.G.Degree has nothing to do with the sanction of your employer and the P.G.Degree certificate issued by your College/University is valid for all purposes. Therefore, you may go ahead with your efforts to find better job opportunities on the basis of your higher qualifications without any kind of unnecessary apprehensions. Best of luck to you.
harijeet singh (Querist) 01 November 2018
Thank you for the information .
P. Venu (Expert) 09 November 2018
Yes, I, too, join learned expert Shri A.A. Jose in congratulating you for successfully completing the Post graduation. Your educational qualification is no way tainted or devalued just because you got employed during the course of post graduation.

Moreover, there is, and there cannot be, any law that prohibits a person from pursuing a course of study and or acquiring knowledge just because he happens to be employed. It is only that such a pursuit should not compromise his devotion and dedication to duty as required of his employment.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 09 November 2018
Unless the competent authroity has allowed you in writing the administrative authroity has the liberty not to include this qualification in your service record. In such case they will not forward your application for outside job where this qualification is necessary.

Must cross this hurdle before accepting congratulation as above.

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