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Judgement Reserved ?????

(Querist) 17 November 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Dear friends,

Some judicial officer hear cases and reserve the Judgement or order, but do not pronounce the order / Judgement within a reasonable time. It is noticed that some officers suo motu reopen the cases, note the docket as heard and again reserve the matter for Orders.

In some cases, for want of orders in time, the parties suffer heavy and irreparable loss.

I invite your expert comments on how to effectively face the situation within the parameters of law and without resorting to any questionable methods.

Brothers kindly note that I am not expecting suggestions like complain to High Court etc.
Vineet (Expert) 17 November 2009
Dear Sir,

I am a novice in this field. At the first instance I would like to understand from learned friends, why a judge should reserve his judgement when the arguments have been completed and all material on record has been perused.

Does it not amount to delaying administration of justice which already suffers with myriad of fallacies and procedural hinderances.
G V S Jagannadha Rao (Querist) 17 November 2009
Mr. Vineet,

It may not be possible for the Judges to pronounce orders extempore on the bench after hearing both sides because he has to read all the pleadings and documents etc. The judge will peruse all the papers and apply his mind on the facts of the case as well as law involved and pass a final order. This requires time. Hence they reserve judgements.

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