jurisdiction of consumer forum
vinod bansal
(Querist) 21 November 2010
This query is : Resolved
A vehicle was got insured from icici general insurance Hisar,but it was stolen from Jind where is no any office of agentof insurer or branch of insurer.I want to know whether consumer complaint is maintainable at Jind from where vehicle was stolen.Regards
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 21 November 2010
Only where you submit the insurance policy or where it has a branch office.
vinod bansal
(Querist) 22 November 2010
Mr. Tripathi ji,Will you plz provide any citation.I intends to file complaint at Jind.Regards
(Expert) 22 November 2010
If there is branch office there or cause of action arises then the territorial jurisdiction starts
Ayantika Mondal
(Expert) 22 November 2010
Yes, I agree with Mr. Tripathi. go ahead and file the complaint the rest will be for the company to figure out. if ur policy covers theft insurance u'll surely get back the money.