Justice League
Jibanananda Goswami
(Querist) 12 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
A letter from Justice League of India is published in the website given bellow.
As a member of the league, I wrote it to the Election Commission of India.
I want your opinion about the demand I placed.
Thanks in advance
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 12 October 2009
Your demand is absolutely right but election commission has also to perform its duties well within specific law framed for this purpose and as per provisions of Peoples representation Act, there exists no such rule hence election commission can do nothing. It requires political will to amend the relevant rules,however, I personally feel the demand is genuine and all experts shall also agree with the same.
Jibanananda Goswami
(Querist) 13 October 2009
Dear experts,
My target is to reveal the names and amount of deposit. I want to bring the money back to India. Please suggest the procedure I can follow for it.
If you think the demand is good for our country, then kindly help me.