Keeping own material during cross examination
(Querist) 17 April 2012
This query is : Resolved
dear sir,
i intend to keep a few papers during cross examination so that i can effectively recall all the 47 eshibited docs i have produced.
i presume this can be done?
kindly also guide me how to reply in exact words if irrelevant questions are put , with an attempt to excite and anger me so that the cross examination is postponed.
i have never faced a cross exsamination but i am well up with all facts which are on my fingertips.
kindly enlighten sirs
the cross ex is tomorrow at del high court
vinay kala april 17,12
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 17 April 2012
The witness is allowed to carry any paper with him at the time of cross examination.
He may however be allowed to go through the papers which are already filed and exhibited.
(Querist) 17 April 2012
dear burman sahab,
many thanks sir
vinay kala
ajay sethi
(Expert) 17 April 2012
vinay kala
how many queries you raise in a day?
you have i presume engaged a lawyer .
he will prepare you for cross . during cross you can request the court that you need to go trhough the documents to refresh your memory .
(Querist) 17 April 2012
sethi sahab,
i have a lot of queries.
i have a very experienced lawyer but he does not know in detail all the docs.
sir with experts like you to no of queries should not matter.
i am retired , 64 years and have been a sbi executive.
people seek me for writing rti applications.
i am no lawyer but have a mind that seeks answers.
i have been deeply grateful to you
should you find my queries invasive please do take your precious time for other work
thanks sir for your help
vinay kala
i am also a typing with over 60 words per minute , am well versed with the english language and there perhaps faster to respond that others.
vinay kala april 17,18
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 17 April 2012
Its OK, you can ask queries.
Anyone can reply to queries.
I have learnt a lot of things by reading people's queries.
Shonee Kapoor
(Querist) 17 April 2012
thanks shonee bhai,
(Expert) 18 April 2012
VERY WELL , Sharing knowledge and experience, at this age is welcome.
YOU SAID "i am also a typing with over 60 words per minute , am well versed with the english language and there perhaps faster to respond that others"
So I am tempted to avail your services in Emergency, by sending you PDF, document, to be typed fast and E Mail me in Words to submit next day in court, and I will deposit advance in your bank account.If u can help me!!"
And if you send me detail;ls of your case, I can certainly guide, what way shd reply: how to wincase, how to add voluntary deposition that help ur side, how to fool opp advocate by answering a question, wrongly asked, or gave you opportunity to depose.
Cross examination is two sided sword, it cuts opp, or cut yourself. BUT IS A CUTTING EDGE. ONCE PROVED IN CROSS, THERE IS NO FURTHER REMEDY . ORAL EVIDENCE BECOMES BINDING. Like any other Registered Doc, and person of your age, & experience can do a lot better.
Fall sick today, take adjournment, better prepare for next date. Let's see we can help each other.
Adv Shroff
(Querist) 18 April 2012
thanks shroff sahab,
for words that are kind.
i learn typing as a young child from dads steno when i was 16. today i am 66.
i do it enough for my needs. i know very good english, and i draft the law suit papers myself though the lawyer vets it.
i can help gratis in some few cases , but i am not a commercial typist.
i am in no need of money but am a good samaritan and would help you in time of great need.
i am well placed in life, am 66 and pursue my hobbies.
i am extremely well prepared for the case. it is they who are running away. the court imposed a token penalty of rs 3000/- for excuses made last time.
my query remains:-
after over a year and a half of ws they want to amend. the material was always available to them.
my query is
even if the court allows the amendment does the case go back to square one , with new issues, admission denial etc or
the court can give a limited order to amaend the ws, the position not changing in the case as on today.
what they want to add is silly and would not make their case any stronger.
perhaps weaken
vinay kala
april 18,12
(Expert) 19 April 2012
permission to amend the pleadings is depend on facts and circumstances of the normal course the court will not allow the amendment if the amendment amounts to filling the lacuna and if the information was very well available with the defendant at the time of filing of ws.
Normally the court will allow if it is bare techinical amendment.