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Kindly guide me

(Querist) 17 August 2011 This query is : Resolved 
I am working in a pharma company.1 Year back I was working with a capacity of Zonal Sales Manager i.e 3rd Line Manager. Company changed its structure and sent me back to the field as a Trainee Sales Manager which is 2nd Line position with a clause if not performed will be reverted as a Business Manager which is 1st Line manager.
I retained business in good condition for 2 months and in 3rd month gone negative growth.Since the beginning of 4th month my senior did not allowed me to take meeting of juniors for development of business. Neither he acted upon the given suggestions for business improvements.

I were given demotions and sent to Vashi area which is far from my home. They thought that i will leave the company,but i did not. I conveyed to my talking to other that i will not leave the company i am ready to work at a lowest post also and it will be the defeat of company and not mine.
My immediate seniors tried to harrase me but i did not responded and kept on working. It has passed 9 months working as a demoted person but i am getting good salary 60000/-Per Month and I know that company can not remove me unless i do any unethical or nondisciplinary issues.
I am fighting for my survival in company
should i Continue with fighting spirit or should i change the company.
Company has policy to remove old people who have got good salary package by demotions or transfer. If they will transfer me in other state as per company policy they need to give me Additional HRA of 12000/Per Month.
What should i do ? How to prevent harrasment ?
K.S.Srinivas (Expert) 18 August 2011
I suggest you to leave the company and go for other job instead of fighting against the company.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 18 August 2011
If you are confident of your sales managing skills and can get other good job with better packages then i too advise you to go for a change otherwise stay here.
Guest (Expert) 18 August 2011
Must change your company to get peaceful exit, as the employee remains always at loss in fighting with his employer, where employer always has several discretionary powers to use against the employee.
girish shringi (Expert) 18 August 2011
Dingra Sir,What does it mean?
If a person is really good and wants to fight democratical way in the company,why should he be denied justice?
Mr.Pramod if you are really a sincere worker with the company send your appointment letter alongwith demotion note and reason thereof,I will study the same and inform the company management regarding their mismanagement,and if necessary I you feel good I can send you the draft of letter which will pressurise your Top management to look in to the matter.
Rajarshi Bhowmik (Expert) 19 August 2011
Save and except the details it is not possible to give any legal advice
Shashikant V. Patil (Expert) 19 August 2011
Mr Dingra Sir is right, because in many companies, favours and un-favors going on and many sincere and honest people became prey of their hided and crooked politics and trics , even though you write them a strong letter, they will simply throw in a dust-bin. Mr. Pramod, if you have a tolerance power you continue and if not better quit.
Guest (Expert) 19 August 2011
Dear Girish,

Your spirit to fight against injustice is quite appreciable. BUT, biases always work in any company and the superiors, may they be quite wrong, do not ordinarily like a person, who opposes their actions.

AND, not everybody has such a strong will and procedurally perfect to fight against injustice, as once you start fighting with any authority, the authorities start finding faults against him and continuously attempt to spoil career of such employee with one or the other pretext and ultimately, the employee starts losing courage, whatsoever he may be right in his case.

The most weak point behind every employee is his family, which he has to take care of. That responsibility makes him weak in his actions against injustice.

That is why I suggested a peaceful way for him. However, if Mr. Pramod has a strong will enough and is also perfect in his job, with all my experience in service matters for the last more than 49 years, I am ready to guide him at each step in case he prefers to take up his case with firm determination with the management of his organization.
O.P.SHARMA Advocate (Expert) 20 August 2011
Your patience,endurance and sincerety shall pay and save you from this type of attitude by the Company Staff. They may also soon come under durace if they do not cool down towards you.You have salary to your satisfaction then never think about laeving or changing job. The Company staff toubling you shall soon come under trouble.
You may start reciting RAMRAKSHA STROTTAM elentimea a day and this holly book may be purchased from GEETA PRESS, GORKHPUR,BOOK STALL AVAILBLE ALMOST IN EVERY CITY. O.P.SHARMA Advocate RAJASTHAN HIGH COURT,JAIPUR +919414069237
Pramod (Querist) 23 August 2011
Dear All

Thank you very much for your sugetions. Another thing in this episode is that there is no negativity about me at head office as only 2 months back I got Increment of Rs.7000/- Only the present 2-3 people dont like me who doing all this politics to me.In our organization people and their role keep on changing so it may possible that on the coming day I will be on top of them as that of previous.
I dont do any of the work which is going to spoil the name of company as company is not my enemy.
I work with 100 % efforts. Last month my immediate reporting authority called meeting with Our general manager. This GM knows me very well as I was reporting him in the head office.
My immediate boss who dont want me to work did not call me this meeting. All my college managers were discussing that If he would have called me I would have discussed all issues of My immediate boss. He could have lost his job if i would have attended the meeting.
I am trying to good company but simultaneously waiting and watching senario to change.
Pramod (Querist) 30 August 2011
Dear All
My boss wants me to leave the organization by declaring me underperformer. I am having 1 vacancy and he is trying not to feel it so that I can go in negative sales growth. He is violating the rules of Company. I promoted 1 candidate from my team so I am having vacancy. Promoted candidate given 3 candidates as a replacement. As per the company rules promoted candidate has to replace the vacancy arise because of his promotion. But my boss kept the rule aside and given those candidates for other divisions.
He taken meeting in last week to scold me but I took all the company rules in his notice and said him that he is at fault for my vacancy. Mr. Michael who get promoted under me has resigned 6monhts back
He given online resignation and I have record of its entry. My boss against the company rule allowed him to work. When I reminded him this he kept silent.
Dear all my age is not 30 year I spent 8 years in this company. Now I am getting good salary i have given my life’s potential year when I could join government job. Now this few management people want me to leave this organization. I am in final year of Law no body knows this. My plan is that to complete my law degree. I think once I will complete my LLB no body will try to tease or expel me out of the company.
Dear all is this violation of any law or is this unlawful if my manager asks me resignation. If I record his voice he asking me resignation can it be present as evidence. I am also a manager in this company.
Eight month back I was demoted because of internal politics. But 2 month back my company given me salary rise of Rs. 7000/- Company does not have any complaint regarding me. But my immediate manager is trying to make my record negative.
What should I do kindly guide me ?
Pramod (Querist) 30 August 2011
This is repeated but kindly guide me ?

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