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Land acquisition

(Querist) 14 May 2013 This query is : Resolved 
what is the meaning of :
"Bhogawata varg-2"
and "vividh kaydya khalil navin shartine, Kul Kayada kalam 43 chya shartis patra"
found in 7/12 extract below colomn "Bhudharana padhati"

Whether such land acquired under sec. 43 of the said act can be obtained back to the original owner of land ?
bhagwat patil (Expert) 15 May 2013
Bhogwata varg2 is occupant class2 iOccupant Class II

Lands purchased by tenant under the provision of The Bombay Tenancy And Agricultural Lands Act 1948., lands granted by Government to the Schedule Cast/ Tribes persons, freedom fighter, member of army forces, ex-service man are allowed to transfer only after collector’s permission. Persons holding land under this category are classified as an Occupant Class II. These lands are not essentialy aquired by govt. but there are some restrictions on sale purchase of these type2 lands.

arunprakaash.m. (Expert) 15 May 2013
Class 1 land means holding of land for perfectual with no retriction in alienation.

class 2 land means holding of land for perfectual and heridetary but there may be some restrictions for alination,means without permission from the Collector or any other competent authority.

Mostly land regrated to Inamdars/jagirdars/khotis/kulkarnis/watan lands are categorised as Navin sarth. It has been regranted with a new conditions for holding and alienation.

Kul kayda Sect 43 land means land purchased by a tenant under the tenancy laws section 32G-32M need collector or any other competent authority for transfer.
Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 16 May 2013
Very good & perfect answers by "arunprakaash.m." and "bhagwat patil".

Keep Smiliing .... Hemant Agarwal

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