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Land Dispute

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 09 May 2018 This query is : Resolved 
There were initially four brothers- A,B,C & D.

B, C &D are three real brothers.
A is their elder cousin brother.

In 1986, B established a primary school. After some year his(B) school run lost n he took loan for it. Their cousin elder brother(A) happened to understood well about the three brothers lifestyle. So
he (A) discussed the matter with three brothers and sold the property in 1986. This property was purchased by my father and their youngest brother D. But this elder brother B who established and took loan is against the property purchased by my Father n D now.

Unfortunately A & D were expired some year ago.
What should my Father do now.
Please share your opinion.
Thank you.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 10 May 2018
Does your father has sale proceeds of the school property even now. Tell him to distribute those sale proceeds among your father, cousin and B and C. or only B & C.
R.Ramachandran (Expert) 10 May 2018
Your issue is not as simple as you have put it here.
You will be well advised to meet with a lawyer in your locality, discuss the matter in detail with him and then take appropriate action.
R.Ramachandran (Expert) 10 May 2018
Ms. Usha Kapoor:
The querist's father and D had purchased the property. They have not sold it. Therefore the question of the father of the querist holding the sale proceeds simply does not arise at all!
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 10 May 2018
If a respondent / so called expert (otherwise impersonating) can not understand the query there is no necessity to misguide the queriest, but learn from their tutor.
Rightly observed by expert Mr. R Ramachandran, D is vendee/ purchaser of property.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 10 May 2018
Why an anonymous author should expect obligation of experts FREE OF COST without disclosing his/ her identity, as per rules of this platform?
Asgher Mahdi (Expert) 10 May 2018
The forum is here not to answer the more complicated queries as it may require to resolve through appointing an advocate.I suggest you to hire the services of a lawyer who can best advise you.Form, this platform, we may not able to clarify your query , it require much details and documents to review.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 10 May 2018
The 3rd para clearly says that querist father and the youngest sibling D together sold the School property in 1986. You want to fool me or yo didn't read the query properly.? Please don't disturb me for such trivial questions. IN spite of this client thanked me. If I wrote wrongly client wouldn't have thanked me. You monkeys!
R.Ramachandran (Expert) 10 May 2018
On the contrary it clearly states: "So he (A) discussed the matter with three brothers and sold the property in 1986. This property was purchased by my father and their youngest brother D".

The whole world is watching. What was written by the Querist and what you have quoted above are completely different! They will know who is fooling around!

Dear Ms. Usha Kapoor: Mind your words. I have never used un-parliamentary words against you. I never felt any need to fool you. Read the query once again. You will realise who is right and who is wrong. Client thanking or not thanking is secondary to me. Primarily, I want to be legally correct. That's all. If you prefer to be the other way, it is your choice. I have nothing to say. But in this Expert column, any irrelevant or in-congruent answer, I will surely point out. Come what may.
Guest (Expert) 10 May 2018
When a fake expert prefers to prove herself as fool, that person is not required to be made fool any more.Telling other experts as monkeys, Ms. usha Kapoor has made herself a monkey.

Ms. Usha Kapoor should have reread the query properly at least ten times before responding to the question, where the querist has not made any mention of any of his own siblings, 'but D' as the brother of B&C. The querist has nowhere stated that he was one of the four brothers A, B, C & D.

Further question of sale proceeds of school with father of the querist does not arise, when he was not the seller, but one of the buyers of the property, as the querist very clearly stated, "the property was PURCHASED BY my FATHER and THEIR (A, B, & C's) youngest brother 'D'. Youngest brother 'D' of A,B,& C has no relation either with the querist or his father.

In fact Ms. Usha Kapoor should have accepted her mistake gracefully for misleading the querist. Appreciation by misunderstanding of the querist does not automatically make her wrong answer as legally correct.
Guest (Expert) 10 May 2018
@ Mr. Ramachandran,
The stubborn lady has already admitted more than once in some other threads that she is a thick skinned lady. She may be a thick skinned lady, but along with that she seems to have altogether lost her senses also. Her brain seemed to have clogged badly.
Guest (Expert) 10 May 2018
I believe, it is a hypothetical academic query, not a real problem, for which the querist sought answer to his school exercise. Even otherwise also, he has not mentioned, who has raised land dispute, dispute for what, what happened to the loan of B, and how he or his brother could sell the school when the property documents were supposed to be in possession of the lender?
Guest (Expert) 10 May 2018
Dhingra alias Jigyasu and His Partner R.Ramachandran are taking undue advantage and commenting very badly about Lady's Skin here. The Third Rate Behavior of this shameless Idiot BD is strongly condemned. It confirms how the ladies at their house if at all they have how they would have suffered with these BDs.
Guest (Expert) 10 May 2018
Another fake expert has come to the rescue of the existing fake expert. Why not Mr. NJS shamelessly confirms the advice of Ms. Usha Kapoor to be correct by quoting the provisions of relevant section of any Act of law?
P. Venu (Expert) 10 May 2018
The facts posted are less than convincing and the posting suggests to be a story than a query.
Guest (Expert) 10 May 2018
Dear Shri NJS Rajkumar,

I have a doubt as if Mr. Jigyasu is the creation of some of your own adversary, may be you also for some ulterior motive, as you have often been found making mockery of the experts on one hand and supporting the misleading fake experts to cause confusions in the minds of the query makers. Contrarily, I never try to mislead query makers like you at the LCI. Mind it, I do not solicit any clientele through LCI. My existing clientele base is quite sufficient and solid.

Henceforth, please don't try to defame me by putting me in the guise of any other expert. I am solely an independent entity. In most cases, you have been noticed to be making multiple posts without any context.

Also even in a very few cases, where you post your advice, you have rarely been found to be serious and sincere in your advice to the query makers for the reason best known to you. Probably, your aim may be to lure clients merely by causing confusions in the minds of the query makers. However, if you feel that your clientele may increase by such gimmicks, you can continue with that practice. But mind it, duping the clients may only tell upon your own professional career

Even in the present case, can you say honestly that the lady was correct in her advice? Be honest to express your clear-cut opinion about the advice of the lady. No objection, if you support any expert, but if you do so with some wrong intention, your support goes against you only, as that denotes as if you lack in knowledge of law. if you prefer so, you can continue with your gesture. Most of the query makers can very well guess, who is right and who is wrong. All can't be made fool all the times.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 10 May 2018
Pls post with your ID and not as AQ and you can get many replies.
Your ID does not mean your email id or phone number and don’t post these also.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 11 May 2018
Thank you all the experts. My question to the disputed land looks like fake to many. But It is a reality one. My Father is a Village boy and he didn't think hard when he bought that land.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 24 May 2018
Thick skinned means come out of whatever people may say you should be unaffected.You seem to have taken the word literally.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 24 May 2018

I am a hard nut to crack too. No body can change me if once I* decide on something.

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