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Land Grabbing Act

(Querist) 24 December 2008 This query is : Resolved 
Hi all,
The people in a locality long back purchsed their plots i.e 30 years back under the un registered agreement of sale by paying entire sale consideration,and constructed the buildings theron, and since then they are paying all taxes to concern authorities without any body's interfearance whatsoever. Recently one gentleman who is one of the real owner of aforesaid plots who is also residents of same locality since more than 30 yeras, and also attestant of the aforesaid un registered agreements has presently by claiming the properties of the aforesaid agreemnent holders has filed Land Grabbing case against them.
Under the said circumstances please calrify me whether the real owner will succeed in his case, and further
what other alternative cases or reliefs can be claimed by the agreement holders. ( I am the counsel for agreement holders i.e Respondents in land grabbing cases.)Its urgent.
J K Agrawal (Expert) 25 December 2008
by adverse possession the occupant and purchaser of land becomes true land owner even without title documents.

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