Lawyer required
(Querist) 22 November 2012
This query is : Resolved
Lawyer required for a single date in Delhi distt court.Pls use pm for detail along with fee required.
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 22 November 2012
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 22 November 2012
Mr. Singh! Such persons deem this a free service so they again and again put similar matters before experts.
(Querist) 23 November 2012
nah!it is not so.small budget available.
M V Gupta
(Expert) 23 November 2012
With regard to Mr. Makkad's observation, I agree that the querists generally expect free services even if they are contacting a particular expert separately by approaching them on their personal em addresses. This web site is meant for giving a general guidance on the basis of facts set out by he querists which are taken on their face value. If any querist wants special consultation or service from the experts they should not mind paying fees for such services.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 25 November 2012
I pay thanks to Mr. Gupta for understanding my view in right prospective.
(Expert) 25 November 2012
I do agree with Shri Gupta.
Many Querist send PM+ send E Mail and a lot of details with instructions to Reply+ Phone many times, and that too, to over a dozen Experts as seen on E Mail,+ Chatting
I asked them to restrict the Query to LCI only, as we are Professionals, and Querist uses us to double cross their Advocates work.
They waste lots of time of all of us..
They have nothing to loose, only gaining
We have to loose, time, get disturbed every now and then, who keep our phone busy for 15-30 mts, pl sir, pl sir... and continue...
Unavoidable misuse by querist
ajay sethi
(Expert) 25 November 2012
mr shroff
these are the priveleges of being a PRO member . you receive phone calls at odd hours .
that is why i did not renew my PRO .
however even non PRO members are bombarded by email messages .
in case of detailed queiries with attachments always advise them to contact a local lawyer
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 25 November 2012
Ajay! I had opposied this system at the very inception and never joined it though I had to suffer heavy loss of name & fame here but many other experts were in this favour and I am happy to read that you have also come to same conclusion which I had anticipated at that time.
This is the victory of truth.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 28 November 2012
if small budget is available then get any advocate in distt court.
M V Gupta
(Expert) 30 November 2012
I personally feel that the PRO system introduced by the website administrators is totally unfair to the experts who have by their participation free of any charge made this site so widely popular to have more than 2 lakh members. Asking the experts to shell down monthly fee to be enlisted as PRO is the "most unkindest cut of all". If a querist wants to contact any expert for further services they should be encouraged to do so for free. The querist s should be directed to the profile of the concerned expert so that the querist concerned would get the contact numbers of the expert.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 02 December 2012
I was against this system of PRO from the very first day and I am continuing this till day. I know, I have to suffer a lot due to this attitude of mine but this is in the best interest of experts, site as well of common man not to charge anything from experts rather make a mechanism to share interest between the expert and site in case any of the querist wants to avail the personal service of any lawyer but my advice has never been given care.
Anyway, I am still continuing my free services for every one.
M V Gupta
(Expert) 02 December 2012
Is there any chance of the administartors seeing these comments and responding immediately by scrapping the PRO system?
ajay sethi
(Expert) 02 December 2012
The adminstration is not keen on scrapping PRO system .PRO membership results in being bombarded with phone calls and are the biggest nuisance .
without being PRO members we can do our bit in solving legal queries of querists .
it gives immense satisfaction that we are doing our bit in helping litigants resolve their legal problems free of cost on this site .
the fact whether our contribution is recognised By LCI or not is immaterial .