Lawyers fees
Mani bharathi
(Querist) 29 August 2019
This query is : Resolved
We four students filed a condom against TNPSC and my lawyer asked 25000 per Candidate and we accepted it. TNPSC moved for appeal on writ petition and the case was dismissed by judges on first hearing itself (note.we received appeal notice on the same date first hearing and none of us signed vakalathu notice itself) that day evening I called my advocate that I got a letter from TNPSC as they went for appeal lawyer replied appeal case was dismissed on first hearing and you have to pay Rs15,000 for each candidate for attending your appeal? My condom case is in his hand what shall I do? Please guide me
(Expert) 29 August 2019
Dear Sir,
It is negotiation between you and advocate. The actual fees schedule is available in various circulars issued by concerned departments.
According to The Karnataka Civil Rules of Practice, 1967 the Advocate fee is calculated on the value or the subject matter of the suit, which shall be the same as prscribed by the Karnataka Court Fees and Suits Valuation Act, 1958,
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 30 August 2019
There is no scientific formula for charging professional fees (in any profession) which involve various factors, differs from case to case, amount of work involved, experience/ quality/ status/ standard/ standing, face value and goodwill of the professional, paying capacity and capability of client, urgency of work involved, power of bargain etc. etc.

(Expert) 30 August 2019
There are Advocates in Supreme Courts who would charge Rs25 Lac + per hearing . Search in Google
P. Venu
(Expert) 01 September 2019
The posting lacks clarity. What is meant by "condom" case?