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Leave & licence agreement to police chowky

(Querist) 01 December 2016 This query is : Resolved 

Do we need to Intimate the Police Chowky in our jurisdiction for Leave & Licence Agreement every 11 Months when we renew our agreement.

Or for Once we need to Intimate Police if even we mutually renew our leave & licence agreement

Our Society has said that after every term of the L&L Agreement we need to Intimate the Police & Submit a copy to Society Office in 7 Days. Failure to Do will attract a Penalty of 1000 for per week & they may report to Police Station for non submission of L & L to Society & POlice NOC

Can any guide me on this

I am staying in Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra

adv.bharat @ PUNE (Expert) 02 December 2016
Deepak as per MCS act it is not mandatory. But according to society bye law it is required to submit verification of tenant to nearest police station.

Will u appreciate this answer by giving like on my lci profile?
P. Venu (Expert) 02 December 2016
Please post the complete facts.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 03 December 2016
If it is society resolution / police guidelines, no harm in submitting.

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