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Leaving certificate

(Querist) 25 June 2024 This query is : Resolved 
On my 10th and 12th lc maratha caste is mentioned but on my caste certificate kunbi is mentioned. Can I change my caste on my degree college lc before I finish my final year
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate Online (Expert) 25 June 2024
The caste cannot be changed at your whims, you may convert to another religion but you cannot change your caste, there is no provision in law for that
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 25 June 2024
Yes. You cannot change your caste and there is no provision. Get rectification in the 10th and 12th certificates as Kunbi as per your caste certificate.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 27 June 2024

cast cannot be changed. You are trying to hide vital facts. you have cleverly avoided to mention as to which is your actual cast.

Facts so far disclosed by you indicate that :-

if the cast mentioned is "kunbi" then it may be based on the declaration given by parents at the time of admission.


your parents fraudulently mentioned wrong casts.


your parents mentioned correct cast but teachers while submitting papers to board fraudulently changed the cast.


parents correctly mentioned and teachers correctly mentioned but board official fraudulently changed the cast.


you actually belong to "kunbi " cast and now want to fraudulently enter another cast.

This forum does not teach ways of committing fraud.

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