Legal age for muslim marriage in india
Aman Pasha
(Querist) 06 August 2014
This query is : Resolved
Dear Respected Sir/Madam,
Reference to the above subject i would like to know the LEGAL AGE for muslim girl and boy to get marry in India.
Thanks and Kind Regards
Aman Pasha S
+91 77951 72191
ajay sethi
(Expert) 06 August 2014
musliim girl can marry after having attained pubetry . delhi HC has upheld marriage of muslim girl of 15 years of age . for boy s it should be 21
ajay sethi
(Expert) 06 August 2014
This Court notes that according to Mohammedan Law a girl can marry without the consent of her parents once she attains the age of puberty and she has the right to reside with her husband even if she is below the age of 18….”.
The presiding bench citing various Supreme Court judgments on the issue of minor Muslim girls’ marriage said “….a Muslim girl who has attained puberty, i.e. 15 years, can marry and such a marriage would not be a void marriage. However, she has the option of treating the marriage as voidable, at the time of her attaining the age of majority, i.e 18 years.”