Legal formalities for registration and licencing for pest control business in u.p.
Amit Arora
(Querist) 21 June 2012
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts,
I would appreciate if you could guide me on the process of registration and Licencing for Pest Control Business in U.P. (Ghaziabad). Some one told me that before starting the business... license from WHO and other departments are required as the business requires dealing and storage of various kind of chemicals and sprays.
Please assist me by providing the above information.
sanjeev kumar goel
(Expert) 24 June 2012
dear mr anil...i m also in ghaziabad (UP) for starting the pestisides business u have to take license and registration of chemical hazards and after that u have to get registration from U P Commercial Tax Department under UP VAT Act. For any assistance you may contact me.