legal heir
(Querist) 19 March 2015
This query is : Resolved
I have question regarding legal heir. Myself, my brother , sister and mother are the legal heirs of my deceased father,as father is gov. employee my father job is taken by my brother . my brother and sister are married Im still not married but in legal heir i could myself as "married" when I asked my brother he is saying its a mistake done by MRO office.. Please let me know it effects anything or it is purposfully added as married??? Please help
M/s. Y-not legal services
(Expert) 19 March 2015
What's your age.. Actually in this aspect service law will differ between department to department, as well as state to state..
malipeddi jaggarao
(Expert) 20 March 2015
What is your present problem? Anyway job was given to your brother. For remaining properties if any, you will have the equal share. What else is your problem?
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 20 March 2015
It may not effect you or your claim on your share in the property of your deceased father. Even if you feel necessity you can get the mistake rectified.
(Expert) 20 March 2015
But how could that mistake happen in MRO office? U have equal rights as the others in the property
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 20 March 2015
Who has filled the forms for compassionate appointment and was it signed by all legal heir, including you?
Who had conducted the verification from the side of employer?
It could be one of the possibilities that the office shall grant job to unmarried child!
If you are suspecting foul play or discrimination you may first get the copies of all documents and rules and submit anything later.
You have equal share as a legal heir.
(Querist) 20 March 2015
Hi all thanks for replies
I heard that job would be given to unmarried child.but I not sure on it. I would give the job to my brother and every one agreed for it.. But my brother started asking major share of money from the gartuity and other benefits. While clearing all the loans and debts the left is some amount only Which I thought to get money fixed on my mother.
I'm expecting my brother purpose fully added as "married" on my name so that I will not effect for his job in future.
Please suggestions would help me great.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate
(Expert) 20 March 2015
There is no such condition that a married heir shall not be eligible for an appointment under compassionate grounds, I think you have been misguided by someone that way. Suppose you and your brothers were too young and not attained 18 years, then the only eligible person at home was your mother, will she not be given an employment opportunity?, so dont be under wrong notion about anything without confirming the fact. The married status in the legal heirship certificate will not in any way bother or affect your real marital status.