Legal heirs (claim of compensation amount)
Archana R.Bhalerao
(Querist) 11 February 2013
This query is : Resolved
I have field an application under W.C.A act for distribution compensation amount on the name of deceased father and mother as a legal heirs. in the matter decased was married at the time of accident. after 2 month of death his wife remarried. but we don’t have any proof of her 2nd can I prove second marriage?
court say to make an application with wife name. and submit the affidavit. but she refuse to came on court. last 6 months the matter is pending plz. Reply me.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 11 February 2013
engage a detective agency to obtain proof of her remarriage .
inform the court that inspite of repeated reminders sent by regd post ad wife is not coming to court .
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 13 February 2013
The court can decide about the claim of the parents leaving behind the share of the wife of the deceased because if she never comes with her parents in law, the legal right of them cannot be left unattended.