(Querist) 23 April 2011
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts, is there any limitation period for filing a petition for amendment of a typographical error in a decree?
Isaac Gabriel
(Expert) 23 April 2011
The error can and must be corrected and the question of limitaion not arise.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal
(Expert) 23 April 2011
Petition for amendment typographical error can be filed at any time when it comes in notice of party.No limitation.
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 23 April 2011
No, there is no time for limitation and the court allows such correction in matter of course.
(Expert) 24 April 2011
If it is a review petition, to correct a mistake, or an error apparant on the face of the Order, then there is specific period of limitation period usually 60 days, from the date of Order. After obtaining the Order, the parties to litigation, are supposed to read and find out as to any mistakes exsisted therein.
barun deka
(Expert) 24 April 2011
you must be referring to a petition under Section 152.
Such a petition in my opinion should be governed by the residuary article of 137 of the Limitation Act i.e. 3 years