Limitations to file a suit after partition of ancestral prop
(Querist) 08 March 2016
This query is : Resolved
My father and we 3 children's have gone through a partition of my father's ancestral property in 2010. Me and my father retains the property and my 2 sisters took money instead and the same has been recorded in the deed. Now one of my sister is claiming the property . what is the limitations by law for such claims
(Expert) 08 March 2016
Your sister has no right to claim property if she signed in partition deed. consult a local lawyer who well versed knowledge in this type of cases.
(Querist) 09 March 2016
Thank you sir. What is the limitations in terms of time to file a suit by any of the parties after the original partition deed is executed.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 09 March 2016
The claim of sister has negligible merits in the claim.
Adv. Yogen Kakade
(Expert) 09 March 2016
Whether she has filed any suit claiming the share in the property? If yes then it shall not stand on merits if your document is duly signed and registered mentioning the specific terms of consideration fully paid.
Adv. Yogen Kakade
Jurycon Incorporation
Advocates & Consultants
Web: Call: 020-65248888
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 09 March 2016
The claim by the sisters apparently have no merits.