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Lnterest on payment made in court's a/c in interim order

(Querist) 09 September 2011 This query is : Resolved 
This is in co-op court in maharashtra.
Petitioner:- co-op hsg socty. Respondent"- Member.
As per LNTERIM ORDER passed in 2003 the repondent deposited the Default [?] Money in Court A/C in RBI in 03. in the same order the court directed to staff to invest the same in FIXED DEPOSIT.
The parties are trying to work out "OUT OF COURT Settlement of issues.
When inquired about "whether money deposited has been invested in fixed deposit " the answer was "No". & RBI dosent pay any Interest !
For either party its a loss of interest.
Q.whether money so deposited in court a/c carry interest ? whether we are entiled for ?
Kindly guide !
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 09 September 2011
If no FDR was made even though specifically ordered and money kept lying in the bank account of court then you are not entitled for the interest as claimed.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 09 September 2011
Q.whether money so deposited in court a/c carry interest ?

whether we are entiled for ?

girish shringi (Expert) 11 September 2011
I do agree with the experts.

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