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Loan gurantee

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 28 January 2018 This query is : Open 
1.One private finance company has put my name in place of guarantor and sending me notice to repay the car loan taken by some un known person.
2. When I came to know, I reply to the advocate of company that I never give any gurantee to the said person.
3. Meanwhile I received a notice from finance company about appointment of an arbitrator I replied that I am not a party as I never give any document or my concern for any loan or guarantee. but just after 5 to 7 days I received a letter from arbitrator that he put hearing of above case at *th feb and ask to appear me in personal or trough counsellor. If I not appear before him he will pass an ex party order.
My questions are
1. Should I appear before arbitrator even I am not a party as I never give any gurantee of above said loan?
2. If arbitrator pass any order against me than how and where can I challenge his order?
3. Can I deny to appear before him?
4. What action can I take against finance company and borrower also?
5. How can I take stay against arbitration procedure?
6. any other remmedy?
7. What I have to do now?
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 28 January 2018
1.One private finance company has put my name in place of guarantor and sending me notice to repay the car loan taken by some un known person.
2. When I came to know, I reply to the advocate of company that I never give any gurantee to the said person.
3. Meanwhile I received a notice from finance company about appointment of an arbitrator I replied that I am not a party as I never give any document or my concern for any loan or guarantee. but just after 5 to 7 days I received a letter from arbitrator that he put hearing of above case at *th feb and ask to appear me in personal or trough counsellor. If I not appear before him he will pass an ex party order.
My questions are
1. Should I appear before arbitrator even I am not a party as I never give any gurantee of above said loan?
2. If arbitrator pass any order against me than how and where can I challenge his order?
3. Can I deny to appear before him?
4. What action can I take against finance company and borrower also?
5. How can I take stay against arbitration procedure?
6. any other remmedy?
7. What I have to do now?

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