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Lpo and other souces of income for junior lawyers

(Querist) 20 May 2014 This query is : Resolved 
Sirs and Madam,

Now-a-days, practicing as a lawyer , at the subordinate courts alone, is not an easy task .The number of law colleges in every nooks and corners has increased, resulting in the enormous increase of junior lawyers in every bar , every year.... which in turn , results in the cut throat competition among the junior lawyers, which ultimately compels every junior lawyer to adopt all sorts of malpractices , such as touting ( appointing agents to canvass cases ) etc. this is the present scenario in district courts in almost all area. the position in high court is little better as the number of lawyers is comparatively less.
so, here, if a person is thorough with the legal provisions, but does not have touts and agents to canvass cases, he will not succeed.

so here, my question is to know what are the other source of income for a junior lawyer online or otherwise , apart from practicing at the district courts ?

what is LPO ( legal processing outsourcing ) ?
whether any specialized course has to be undergone for it ?

Is there any websites which pay for writing essays online ?

what are the procedure to be adopted , if a lawyer has written book on law and if he intends to publish it ?
which are the the major law books publishing companies in india ?

AND, finally, please mention, any other sources of income for junior lawyers, which you people think proper, online or otherwise.

expecting a detailed answer, sirs and madam,

thanking you sirs, and madam,

Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 20 May 2014
Sorry brother, post this in Forum section.
Discussion on a topic is not done in Expert section.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 20 May 2014
This section is the wrong place for post such details. You post in appropriate section
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 20 May 2014
Wrong no. please, agree with the experts.
ajay sethi (Expert) 20 May 2014
post it in forum section
WHATSAPP 91-8075113965 (Querist) 20 May 2014
ok .. thank you, sirs .....

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