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Mact case

(Querist) 07 July 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Dear all,
This is in relation to my father's MACT case.
Its been 6 years old and as advised by learned experts to my earlier querry, I have decided to change the lawyer, however the situation has got more complicated. Its been 4 months that I have been running to all the 3 MACT courts here, but unable to find the records of the case. Today even the new lawyer has expressed his inability to help.

Hence under the circumstances, what are my options to officially retrieve the case papers or request for a search of the same.

Please advise,
If filling an RTI would help retrieve the papers from the tribunal?

Also please advise if I can file an RTI in reference to this MACT with NEW INDIA ASSURANCE, in an attempt to get the case status?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 07 July 2016
wher eare facts of the case.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 08 July 2016
Your lawyer can search the case file on the basis of previous available date / dates court registry. If file lost, request the court to reconstruct the file.

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