Madras high court original side rules
(Querist) 05 December 2020
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts,
I am requesting you all, that I need Madras High Court Original Side Rules in PDF file, I have searched in web I am getting Appellate Side Rules in PDF Format , but i am not getting that Original side rules in PDF , so i am requesting the Hon'ble Experts kindly share the above to my mail id Thanking you
yours faithfully
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 06 December 2020
Repeated query:
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 07 December 2020
None of the experts is there on this platform practicing in Madras High Court.
Is there any specific reason to repeat same story time and again as observed by expert Mr. Rajendra K Goyal since it is absurd and ridiculous ???
If you are not satisfied with obligation of experts on this platform, you must seek professional services of a local prudent lawyer.for analyses of facts/ documents, proper guidance and necessary proceeding.

(Expert) 07 December 2020
We have more than 500 Advocates who practice as Advocates in Madras High Court as Registered Members of our Forum..

(Expert) 07 December 2020
Dr J C Vashista Retired Army personnel your self had stated in your Profile that you had completed Law Degree while in Army Services. In Law Degree Regular Attendance is mandatory to entitle you to practice in Courts. Could you please Explain and Confirm your Statement. We have more than 4 Lakh Qualified Advocates as Members from All Over India in our Forum. Please do Explain and Justify.
(Querist) 07 December 2020
Respected Experts,
I hope in this forum , the Advocates all over India are registered as Experts, hence I requested the Madras HighCourt Original Side Rules in , if any Expert who may have the same with him, may share to my mail id , this is the reason the query i made to Respected Experts, so the Experts who are in Practice on Madras High Court if you have the requested above kindly shate to my mail id
Thank and regards

(Expert) 07 December 2020
Mr.Gopal Just type " Madras High Court Original Side Rules --PDF " in Google you would get it. Since the Pages are more visit the near by Internet Centres and take the Print outs