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Maharashtra Co-Op Housing Society Act- Latest bye Laws

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 25 October 2009 This query is : Resolved 

Our late father had nominated myself & my only brother as heirs to a plot of land owned by him in a co-op housing society in Pune.While the society management has agreed to transfer the shares in our joint names it is not agreeing to our request for a joint membership & insists on including only one person as the regular memeber & the other as an Associate member.I feel as per the 2001 ammendments a joint membership as co-owners is allowed. Please guide me as to what is the correct status on the matter.
KUMAR JAGADEESAN (Expert) 26 October 2009
Dear Friend

Please go through the bye laws of the co-op housing society and verify whether such joint ownership is allowed.While I do not have the 2001 amendment as stated by you, please verify whether such amendment shall override express provisions of the bye laws of the Society.

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 26 October 2009
Dear friend Mr.J.Kumar,

Thanks a lot for your prompt reply. I appreciate it very much.

I'll certainly get a copy of the bye laws of the co-op housing society.I'll also check if the amendments overide the expressed provisions of the bye-laws of the society.

I'll keep you posted of the developments.


Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 26 October 2009
Repeated quarry.

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