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Maharashtra cooperative society act

(Querist) 20 August 2014 This query is : Resolved 
A member is unable to understand the proceedings of the meetings for the purpose of redevelopment of a co-operative society in Maharashtra. He wants to bring his son/daughter to the meeting so as to make him understand that what is happening in the meeting and for any other purpose (for voting, suggestions, etc.) can he do so? Can the other member stop him from doing so? Can he do so without amending the bye-laws of the society? Is there any judgement regarding this?
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 20 August 2014
Sorry, judgments are not supplied here.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 20 August 2014
Sorry, judgments are not supplied here.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 21 August 2014
Whether the other members have objected to do so?

ADV-JEEVAN PATIL, MUMBAI (Expert) 21 August 2014
Attending by son is not barred but voting is barred
ajay sethi (Expert) 21 August 2014
you should permit his son or daughter to attend meetings unofficially
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 22 August 2014
The meeting of the society is for/amongst the members and not their family members, please remember.
Similarly voting right is vested only (repeat only) with the member and not even for joint-member, not to speak of son/ daughter/spouse or any one else.
Consult/engage a local lawyer.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 25 August 2014
The society meeting is not a get together that family members are brought in. Such questions do not deserve any reply as there is no legal issue involved in it except logical.
Hemant Agarwal (Expert) 28 February 2015
Kind Attention: Siddhesh

1. The Society bye-law would not allow any proxy person to attend Society meetings and/or vote /suggest.

2. HOWEVER, You may petition the Cooperative Registrar of the ward, with the practical problem. He is empowered to issue directions to the Society, to allow proxy person (relation /advocate /representative), alongwith the original member.

Keep Smiling .... Hemant Agarwal

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