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(Querist) 24 December 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sir/Ma'am,

This is a query as regards the maintenance of my maternal grand-mother(my mother's mother). She is aged around 74 years. She has a widow. She has two sons besides my mother. She earns pension which is sufficient for her survival as well as she is ready and willing to defray other familial expenditures as well. Both my maternal uncles are service holders and have the financial strength to look after her. But the problem is that both my maternal aunts are dead against my grandmother and don't want their husbands to keep in contact with their mother. They threaten that if their husbands decides to keep their mother alongwith them, they will leave the house. This always leads to conflicts and as a result both my uncles have succumbed to their wive's demands though they actually want to keep their mother with them. Here, maintenance of my grand-mother financially is not an issue since as I said, she earns a pension but because of her old age she needs hers sons' support which they are not able to because of their wives. Till now, my mother and I has been looking after her but that may not be possible in the future as we are moving out to a new place as my father is getting transferred. So what I would like to know is whether my grand-mother has the legal option to make her daughter-in-laws to look after her and that they should not pressurise their husbands anymore not to look after their old mother.
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 24 December 2012
Dear Anupam
there is no rule in law in which the court pass an order for caring the old age parents but if she filed a maintenance petition u/s 125 cr.PC she can claim maintenance from them .
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