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Management committe

(Querist) 16 August 2012 This query is : Resolved 
In one of the apartment complex in Bangalore after the election and on the day of the AGM 8 members of the 11 elected Members resigned and after lot of persuasion two of them agreed to withdraw so that there can be 5 duly elected members and MC can be formed and then 7 members were willing to be nominated as MC members in the AGM and it has been recorded..Are the 7 members nominated from AGM can hold Office bearers post as there is lot of debate on the same and our complex does not have a Legally constituted MC. Look forward to a reply regards
ajay sethi (Expert) 16 August 2012
how many members are necessary in your society? 5 are elected members . managing committee can copt additional members

in your society AGM has done it . the minutes should have recorded that these have been elected byt he members .

in case any members object go in for fresh election as per your bye laws
Sridhar (Querist) 19 August 2012
They past committe has sent a memo that they will continue till further elections is it legal..and they have not mentioned the dates..can this be reported to register of society
Guest (Expert) 19 August 2012
Depends upon what your society's byelaws provide. If the AGM could not elect the old MC can continue temporarily for some limited period. They should notify the date of fresh elections to enable the AGM to elect new office bearers.
Sridhar (Querist) 19 August 2012
thanks for the response our bye laws are as per Karnataka apartment ownership act. As agreed in the AGM 2 people were supposed to reconsider their resignations and they are not revelaing who are those 2 and then sending a memo that elections are illegal since we did not have office bearers amongst 5 of us. Can you help me in this case to whom can we complain any Govt organisation we can send in a memo
ajay sethi (Expert) 19 August 2012
contact a local lawyer well versed with provisions of karnataka apartment ownership act .

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