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Manufacturing license for soap making in delhi

(Querist) 30 November 2018 This query is : Resolved 
I'm making handcrafted soaps at home only in Delhi. These are made using ready soap bases which I'm purchasing from authorized vendors. As I'm working on a small scale now but want to expand it through online selling, so do i need to get manufacturing license for the same? If yes what is the procedure & prerequisites? Whom to approach?
V.Raghunadh (Expert) 01 December 2018
Madam, certain licenses are essential and common to all kind of business. the most important out of it is Registration of your plant. depending upon Investment you can register your plant as MSME’s. Registering your enterprise is now a free of cost affair in Udyog Aadhar Scheme. Registering your plant helps in availing the benefits of government may need a letter of intent for products require compulsory licensing,.second most important license will be manufacturing license which you can get from authority depending upon the product

As hand made soap is used for the purpose of cleaning hands, it comes under the ambit of cosmetics under Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940 and Rules 1945.

s per the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rule, the Central Government and the State Government makes rule regarding issuance of licence to a person for manufacturing cosmetics. Basically it is the State Drug Authorities of respective States, who are authorized to issue manufacturing licenses.

Firstly, a person applying for a manufacturing licence for hand made soap needs to fill the application form 31 along with it; the person is required to pay an amount of Rs 3,500 and Rs 2,500 as a government and inspection fee of 2500 respectively.
Secondly, the cosmetics for which the licence is being acquired should be specified into classes of cosmetics, as has been mentioned under Schedule M-II, where the cosmetics have been classified into 10 categories.
A person applying for the license of manufacturing hand made soap or any other cosmetics should have passed intermediate exam with Chemistry as one of its subject or any examination which is recognized by the Licensing authority.
Apart from it to get a license it is required to hold a diploma in Pharmacy which should be certified and approved either under the Pharmacy Council of India under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 or under the Pharmacy Act, 1948
At the time of applying for the licence it is required to mention other information like the lists of equipment, manufacturing facility details with minimum area required for manufacturing, Technical Competent personnel details, etc.
Apart from those details the licencing authority also considers before approving the licence that whether the cosmetic is mis branded or is a spurious cosmetic.
For renewal also the manufacturer is required to categorize the cosmetics as per Schedule M-II, apart from it Rs. 1000 has to be paid as a charge for every inspection for renewal
It is mandatory for the Licensing Authority to direct an inspection of the area where manufacturing will take place, before approving or rejecting the application of license. After the inspection a report is send to the Licensing Authority on the basis of which they either approve the licence application or reject it.

Place of Manufacturing
While determining the place for manufacturing the hand made soaps it has to be seen that the manufacturing house should work in a manner it benefits the public at the same time it should not affect the environment adversely. Also there has been rule laid down relating to the factory premises which have been mentioned in the Schedule M-II of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rule. The manufacturer has to comply with those requirements and conditions. (the rates mentioned above are subject to change)

Location and surroundings– The production house or factory should not be established near residential areas. Also it should have measures to avoid risk of contamination from the external environment including open sewage, drain, and public lavatory.
Building and premises– ventilation openings and similar lines shall be designed Apart from it the factory should have proper sanitation facilities, hygiene should be maintain in the manufacturing building, for that it has to be ensured that the workers are provided and are using hand gloves and masks. They shall also conform to the conditions laid down in the factories Act, 1948. They should design, construct and maintain to prevent the entry of insects, pests, birds and rodents.
Waste disposal– Proper arrangement should be made for disposal of solid waste as well as liquid waste. All bio-medical waste shall be destroyed as per the provisions of the Bio-Medical Waste Rule, 1996. Apart from it provision should be made for proper and safe storage of waste material waiting for disposal.
Health, clothing and sanitation of workers- prior to employment all personnel shall undergo medical examination including eye examination. It should be ensured that any of the working staff is not suffering from any communicable diseases. Also all the employ should be required to report about their illness or abnormal health condition to their immediate supervisor.
Drugs Controller General is appointed by the Central Government as a head of the Central Drug Standard Control Organization who is authorized to regulate the cosmetics and drugs in India.

Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 01 December 2018
Get your firm registered under the provisions of Delhi Shops and Establishment Act.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 01 December 2018
Engage a LOCAL counsel to help you with compliance for all procedures and registrations.
You may take help for any matter from, elders of your family, competent and experienced well wishers, helpgroups, community leaders, NGO’s, experienced colleagues, associations, etc and find a very able LOCAL counsel specializing in concerned filed of law e.g; Compnay/Civil matters as in your case, and well versed with LOCAL applicable rules, precedence, latest judgments etc …. and worth his/her salt, can advise you after examining all case related docs, inputs, evidences on record.

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