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Marriage- divorce

(Querist) 24 March 2008 This query is : Resolved 
Hi all,
one"X" performed love marriage three years back at Aryasamaj,concealing the same with both the parants, since other members of girl family to be get married,and both are living separatly in their respective houses from the date of marriage. after two years the other members of girl family got married,but thereafter the parents of girl after coming to know about her marriage with "X" not willing to send her to his place inspite of her wish, and threating him with dire consequences, therafter "X" lodged a complaint before concern P.S but since the concern S.H.O under influence did not lodged any complaint and sent him stating to settle the matter amicably, now the parents of the girl changed their address and the boy does not know whereabout of the girl, in such circumstances what can be done by "X"? kindly advise me .
a.haridasan (Expert) 25 March 2008
it is not clear from the letter that ,whether the marriage of X was legaly solmnized or performed as per the religious rights or not .whatever ,if the girl and boy attained majority and they confined by the others without their consent, the interesed or aggrieved party can approach highcourt by a Habeas corpus writ or may file a search petition u/s 99,100 crpc before the concerned magistrate court with evidence.
a.haridasan (Expert) 25 March 2008
whatever you think as fit for my advise
a.haridasan (Expert) 25 March 2008
SANJAY DIXIT (Expert) 25 March 2008
Your querry is not clear, Dear.
Adv.Shine Thomas (Expert) 16 October 2008
This marriage is not a valid one.At the same time your querry is not clear.
ritu bhadana (Expert) 02 April 2009
mr. haridasan is absolutely correct and shine how can you say that the marriage is not legal withou knowing the datailed facts of the case?

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