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Marriage Registration Rules of different States

(Querist) 15 September 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Ld. Members

May I request the Ld Members to upload their respective state Marriage Registration Rules for the benefit of other members as well as for me?

A V Vishal (Expert) 16 September 2009

If you wish to have your marriage registered, you must approach the Sub-Registrar of marriages and
assurances for the area. He is the same official of registration department who also registers sale deeds
etc. If you wish to register a Hindu marriage, then the following procedure must be followed:
Marriage Registration after Wedding Ceremony:
The groom must be at least 21 years old and the bride must be at least 18 years old.
An applications form A (form) must be filled out and presented to the Sub-Registrar Prescribed fee
for registration is Rs.10/-
You must attend the Sub-Registrar's office along with your spouse and two witnesses, preferably
parents of the couple.
You must produce evidence of marriage like wedding card, photographs etc.
The Sub-Registrar can register the marriage within 6 months after the event.
If the marriage is to be registered after 6 months, you will have to apply to the District Registrar
concerned in the application form for condonation of delay (form)
If you wish to register the marriage after 3 years, you will have to apply to the Inspector General
of Registration in Hyderabad for condonation of delay in the same form.
Marriage Registration at the Venue of Wedding:
If you wish to register the marriage at the venue, then you must apply for registration and ask for the
Sub-Registrar's presence. The following process should be followed to secure the Sub-Registrar's
Application fee Rs.10/- Fee Rs.15/-.
Transport charges for the Sub-Registrar If the wedding is outside the Sub-Registrar's headquarter.
Daily allowance has to be paid as prescribed by government Registration of a marriage under
Special Marriages Act.
A marriage can be registered under Special Marriages Act if it is not solemnized in a religious
ritual. For such a marriage to be registered at the time of the wedding, you must apply at least a
month in advance and fulfill the following conditions:
The bride must be at least 18 years of age and the groom must be at least 21 years of age.
Proof of age must be furnished Application with fee of Rs.10/- must be paid.
A notice fee of Rs.2/- must be paid.
A notice of 30 days will be given by Sub-Registrar to the public to raise objections if any.
The notice will be displayed on his notice board.
If any one wishes to object to the marriage he/she must then pay an objection fee of Rs.50/- and
file the objection petition stating reason (eg., the bride or groom is under-aged or there is no fee
consent or one of the partners is already married etc.)
The Sub-Registrar will enquire into the objection and if he finds that the objection is valid, the
registration application will be rejected.
If there is no valid objection, the marriage will be registered after 30 days.
Registration of a marriage can be done under Special Marriages Act after the marriage in the same
manner as a Hindu Marriage registration. However, there is a separate application, and witnesses and
evidence of marriage must be produced.
Marriages are solemnized under the Special Marriage Act.
Court marriages can take place b/w any 2 Indian citizens irrespective of their caste, religion, or
Such a marriage takes place in front of marriage officer/registrar of the area where both or any of
the parties to such a marriage reside.
Both of you file a joint application before the registrar along with affidavits attested by notary
public specifying the age (boy 21yrs &girl 18yrs), marital status (unmarried or divorcee as the
case maybe), place of residence.
You also need proof of residence.
The joint application of such a marriage should be witnessed by 3 independent adult persons.
On receiving this application, the marriage officer issues a month notice regarding the marriage.
A copy of the notice is sent to the individual parties address.
After the expiry of this period of notice, a date is fixed for marriage.
Witnesses shouldriven
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 04 October 2009
BILL, 2007
to provide for compulsory registration of marriages solemnized in the
State of Haryana irrespective of caste, religion and creed and for matters
connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the
Fifty-eighth Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
Short title,
extent and
1. (1) This Act may be called the Haryana Compulsory Registration of
Marriages Act, 2007.
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of Haryana.
(3) It shall come into force on such date, as the State Government
may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint.
Definitions. 2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant to the subject or
(a) “age of bridegroom and bride” shall mean the age not less
than twenty-one years in the case of bridegroom and
eighteen years in the case of bride on the date of marriage
except for those who are governed by customary or
personal law subject to the production of proof thereof;
(b) “Chief Registrar ” means the Chief Registrar of marriages
appointed by the State Government under section 3;
(c) “marriage” means to solemnize or enter into a marriage in
any form or manner and includes remarriage;
(d) “District Registrar” means the District Registrar of
marriages appointed by the State Government for a district
under section 4;
(e) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this
(f) “priest” means any person who solemnizes a marriage;
(g) “register ” means a register of marriages maintained under
this Act;
(h) “Registrar” means a Registrar of marriages appointed by
the State Government under section 5;
(i) “State Government” means the Government of the State of
of Chief
3. (1) The State Government shall by notification in the Official
Gazette, appoint a Chief Registrar for the whole of the State.
(2) The Chief Registrar may in consultation with the State
Government also appoint such other officers with such designations as
he thinks fit for the purpose of discharging, such of his functions, as he
may from time to time, authorize them to discharge.
(3) The Chief Registrar shall be the Chief Executive Authority
in the State for carrying into execution the provisions of this Act and
the rules made thereunder subject to the directions, if any, given by the
State Government.
(4) The Chief Registrar shall take steps, by issuing suitable
instructions or otherwise, to co-ordinate, unify and supervise the work
of registration in the State for securing an efficient system of
registration and shall prepare and submit to the State Government, in
such manner and at such intervals, as may be prescribed, a report on the
working of this Act in the State.
of District
4. The State Government shall appoint a District Registrar for
each revenue district and such number of Additional District Registrars,
as it thinks fit, who shall, subject to the general control and direction of
the District Registrar, discharge such of his functions as the District
Registrar may from time to time authorize them to discharge.
of Registrar.
5. (1) The State Government shall appoint a Registrar for each
local area comprising the area within the jurisdiction of a tahsil or subtahsil
or a combination of any two or more of them for carrying into
execution in such areas the provisions of this Act:
Provided that the State Government may appoint, in the case of
municipal corporation, municipality or other local authority or a group
of villages, any officer or employee thereof, to be a Registrar under the
provisions of this Act.
(2) The Registrar may also suo motu, without fee or reward,
enter any marriage which takes place in his jurisdiction in the register
maintained under this Act, after calling the parties and ascertaining the
facts as required to be registered.
(3) Every Registrar shall have an office in the local area for
which he is appointed.
(4) Every Registrar shall attend his office for the purpose of
registering marriages on such days and at such hours as the Chief
Registrar may direct and shall cause to be placed in conspicuous place
on or near the out door of the office of the Registrar a board bearing, in
the local language, his name with the addition of Registrar for the local
area for which he is appointed, and the days and hours of his
Every marriage
to be
6. After the date of commencement of this Act, every marriage
solemnized in the State of Haryana irrespective of caste, religion or
creed, shall be registered in the manner as provided in section 7.
of marriages.
7. (1) The parties to a marriage shall prepare and sign a
memorandum, in such form, as may be prescribed and deliver or send
by registered post the said memorandum in duplicate to the Registrar of
the area concerned in which the marriage was solemnized, within a
period of ninety days from the date of marriage.
(2) The memorandum shall be accompanied by such fee in the
form of court fee stamps and shall be attested by such person, as may
be prescribed.
(3) Where the Registrar, before whom the memorandum is
presented under sub-section (1), on scrutiny of the documents
submitted with the memorandum or, on the other facts noticed or
brought to his notice, is satisfied or has reason to believe that-
(a) the marriage between the parties is not
performed in accordance with the personal law
of the parties; or
(b) the identity of the parties or the witnesses or the
persons testifying the identity of the parties and
the solemnization of the marriage is not
established beyond reasonable doubt; or
( c) the documents tendered before him do not prove
the marital status of the parties,
he may, after hearing the parties and recording the reasons in writing,
refuse to register the marriage and may-
(i) call upon the parties to produce such further
information or documents as deemed necessary,
for establishing the identity of the parties and the
witnesses or correctness of the information or
documents presented to him; or
(ii) if deemed necessary, also refer the papers to the
local police station within whose jurisdiction the
parties reside, for verification.
(4) Where on scrutiny of documents presented to him or on
further verification as provided in sub-section (3), the Registrar
concerned is satisfied that there is no objection to register the marriage,
he shall register the same within the period as may be prescribed. If in
the opinion of the Registrar, the marriage is not fit for registration, he
shall pass an order of refusal in writing after recording the reasons
therefor and send the duplicate copy thereof to the District Registrar.
(5) Such parties to a marriage who were married prior to the date
of commencement of this Act, may also get their marriage registered if
they are residents of the State of Haryana at the time of registration of
the marriage, subject to the terms and conditions as mentioned in subsections
(2), (3) and (4).
(6) Such parties to a marriage who have married outside the State
of Haryana but are residents of the State of Haryana, may also get their
marriage registered subject to the terms and conditions as mentioned in
sub-sections (2), (3) and (4).
(7) If the marriage is already registered outside the State of
Haryana, it shall not be registered again in the State of Haryana.
Appeal. 8. (1) Any person aggrieved by the order of the Registrar refusing to
register the marriage under sub-section (4) of section 7 may, within a
period of ninety days from the date of receipt of such order, appeal to
the District Registrar i

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