(Querist) 05 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
Hello everyone, after the delhi goverment notified the MPD 2021, many traders were saved from the sealing drive.and almost every trader and property owners took loans to renovate there properties,so there business could improve after the demolitions and sealings and they invested crores of rupees because they felt assured by the notification of the government.Now that the masterplan has been chalenged in the court,what are the options that property owner or a trader has if the supreme court orders to scrap the mpd 2021 or makes changes to it resulting in change of status of roads that were notified as commercial.
Y V Vishweshwar Rao
(Expert) 06 October 2009
It is better all the interested parties/persons/Owners of proerties represent beofre the SC that any orders agaisn the Master Plan will effect their rigths and they will suffe loss .The Master Plan is acted up on by the Public.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 06 October 2009
Better move before HC of Delhi and if failed to get desired justice threfrom, then u may approach even to SC.
(Querist) 07 October 2009
thank you all very much for your precious time and suggestions.I would also like to request that if you can suggest when is the best time to move to court after the sc verdict on mpd 2021 or before that,also if someone could tell me when is the final hearing on this case.last supreme court had said that they would take a final hearing by mid of sept?thank you once again!!