(Querist) 11 October 2012
This query is : Resolved
A company has filed form 5 last year for increasing its authorised capital and has paid the requisite stamp duty but failed to follow up the form and to keep the copy of the fomr and challan. Now, it is informed to the company that form 5 was never taken on record and not available in the records of ROC as well and company is not able to do its annual filing due to this. What step can we taken for 1. either to get the refund of the stamp duty? 2. or to get the copy of that filed form? Pl. revert on the query. Regards

(Expert) 27 January 2013
As per the Circular No. 17/2012 dated the 23rd July, 2012, the Companies are required to file one Form 5 INV each year for furnishing complete information on unpaid/unclaimed amounts lying with companies as on the date of Annual General Meeting of that year, in pursuance of Investor Education and Protection Fund (uploading of information regarding unpaid and unclaimed amounts lying with companies) Rules 2012, published in the Gazette of India Part II section 3 sub section (i) vide Notification No. G.5.R. 352 (E) dated the 10th May, 2012. However, it has come to the notice of the Ministry that some companies have filed multiple Form No. 5 INV in respect of unpaid/unclaimed amounts lying with them instead of filing one form. To remove this anomaly and for better understanding of the issue, it is clarified:
(a) Any Company, which has filed multiple Form 5 INV while uploading the information for the year 2010-11 on or before the date of issue of this circular, should again file Form 5 INV (single) and upload the details of investors in excel template. This process should be completed by 31′ August, 2012.
(b) All Companies, which have not yet filed Form No. 5 INV are allowed to file Form No. 5 INV along with details of investors in excel template upto 31′ August, 2012.