Meaning/defination of zone and skillled/unskilled/semi skilled in labour laws gujarat
sandeep Upadhyay
(Querist) 18 October 2012
This query is : Resolved
Dear experts
There is a different minimum wages for zone-1,zone-2 and zone-3 in minimum wages act gujarat.Also there is class of employees mentioned skilled,unskilled and semiskilled.
Request to experts to define of above
Thanks to all
ajay sethi
(Expert) 18 October 2012
please read the provisions of said act
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 18 October 2012
academic query.
Rajeev Kumar
(Expert) 18 October 2012
We are not here to reply the academic query and read the labour law book
Kirti Kar Tripathi
(Expert) 23 February 2013
It is not a academic query. Under the provisions of Minimum Wages Act, the State Government is entrusted with the task to fix minimum wages for various class of employees in various industries situated at various place on the basis of their categories. Thus the State Government fix minimum wages after considering the categories of areas, nature of industries and nature of job attached with industries. The nature of job are categorized in un-skilled, semi-skilled and skilled category.