medical negligence
(Querist) 16 September 2008
This query is : Resolved
This is regarding my father in law Mr Hansraj Singh, he was admitted in Bhakti Vedanta hosp in Mira Road, Thane,suffering from mild fever with thrombocytopenia on 8 th sep, Till 9th sep evening he was alright, all his vital parameters were proper, suddenly at night, he was ventilated and the doctors told us later that it was due to severe dyspnoea and hypotension, anyways the doctor concerned that is Dr Vivek Dubey was not able to diagnose his situation inspite of all testys being done . On 10 sep he told us that tha pt is suffering from Hepatitis E, the prognosis is not poor, Then too the pt is Critical, There are certain other things also like the intensivist at night were not taking proper care like once the iv fluids were over they were not knowing about it, we told rthem, Ete. When asked Dr vivek that inspite of the treatment why is the pts health dtereriorating he told us due to age, ie 64 yrs. on 13 th sep the doctor told us that he was trying to remove the ventilator but the pt is going in bronchospasm due to laryngeal oedema(laryngeal oedema was due to mismanagement of ventilator)He told us that he wanted tracheostomy to be done. An ENT specialisisdt came in the afternoon and went in the ICU, he called us and explained us the procedure and asked for consent, We asked him whether he checked the patient he replied that the patient is on ventilator so I did not check but we can go with the procedure.
I want to know what action can we take against the doctor.Please help me in this case
Dr Ritu
(Querist) 16 September 2008
Regarding Medical Negligence
(Expert) 16 September 2008
your primary object should be to save life of your father in law first.
If you observe that doctor treating him currently are not equipped with proper knowledge and experience, you can shift him to a higher center provided that general conition of patient permits shifting without any risk.
You must collect all the prescriptions, diagnostic reports, operation notes, bed head tickets etc. to prove medical negligence.
I am leaving this query open for future guidance.
(Expert) 17 September 2008
If you feel that there is medical negligence, you will also require the opinion and authority in the form of books and practice notes from Indian Journals to quote that the Dr. is wrong, keep them ready.
Anyway Age can be one difficult task in this case. Given the new types of diseases now diagonised.