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Mental harassment of 9 year old student

(Querist) 22 September 2020 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Sirs,
My son is studying in Pvt school in 4th grade. My son school teachers & Principal are giving corporal punishment & mental torture to my son for the petty excuses since he has been in Nursery/K.G class and the same is continue uptil now.In this regard the matter is being taken up with school Principal from 2018 onward and two time Principal had apologized for corporal punishment given to my son. but it stopped only for some time and later on started repeating the same practice. On 10th Sep, my son science teacher quit my son from online class in front of whole class for not sitting on chair & when my wife called her she misbehaved with my wife & threatened that in future she will not take care of my son. later on she apologized & gave written apology when i force principal & talked to school chairman. Yesterday my son also told me that in 3rd grade his another teacher forced him to sit alone in class room & whole year my son sit alone in class room . How sad must he have been? It’s all done on the instruction of School Principal. Due to school Principal & teacher behavior my son has developed infertility complex and his self-confidence is deteriorating day by day. He is too young to express himself but we can smell that the harsh, unreasonable and cruel behavior of the teacher has gravely injured his mental health. My wife is also teacher in same school & Principal is taking revenge from my son & wife because i forced principal for apology in 2018. Please guide me now what should i do for justice of my son?
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 22 September 2020
You have not mentioned why your son is targeted in this way?
Whether he is poor in studies, arrange for some support to build confidence and help in studies. It would also help in his future development.

If he is targeted due to age related mischiefs, take it natural and try to counsel him to be serious.

Your blind support may develop habit of spoon feeding in him.

Try to analyze situation as a judge, not as prosecution
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 22 September 2020
The son is a student at Private School, you are paying sizable charges on their terms. Plan to shift him to other school.

You should record all proceedings of online classes to have proofs of misbehavior.

Next time send legal notice, followed by complaint to education department district level, state level, department of child welfare and to the district administration. .

If the punishment is grave, lodge FIR.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate Online (Expert) 23 September 2020
private school teacher deciding to fight against the management can make their life hell as they violate number of rules.
Praveen Kumar (Querist) 23 September 2020
Dear Rajender K Goyal Sir & Sudhir Kumar sir, Thanks a lot for your valuable advise. Sir, My son is not poor in study he is bright student but school Principal is taking revenge because i had some argument with principal when she had beaten my son in nursery class when my son was only 4 years old & she had apologized for her misbehavior and corporal punishment given to my son. It reveals that she has malafied intention with my son reasons not known to us.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 23 September 2020
Your statement can be true if the attitude is only from the principal, it is from other teachers also.

Find out whether you are much more possessive towards your child.

Your over possessiveness may result in blockage of free development of the child.

Let him learn school discipline himself.

Think to change the school, if you think present school is best, nothing wrong in moving to second best preference.

However, if he is punished physically lodge FIR against the teacher.
P. Venu (Expert) 23 September 2020
In view of the facts stated, you certainly, have the option to shift the child to another school.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 24 September 2020
The matter is associated with kid, avoid ego if possible, migrate him to some other school.

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