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mining lease grant

(Querist) 06 June 2008 This query is : Resolved 
Hi All,

I am vijay Kumar from bellary-dist,karnataka.
my grand father had obtained mining prospecting license (PL)from Dept of mines and geology karnataka and same Dept Govt of India, In the 1952 and also obtained mining lease(ML) and mined in the sanctioned area for three and discontinued after that,In 1961 he died and thereafter no one in family continued the mining in that area, In 2003 some other person applied for same area for lease.In 2004 we have reapplied for same area ,now both mines area are overlapping. As seniority we should get first preference to conduct mining there but dept of mines and geology are letting us do so,the officials are asking for documents,but we don't have all documents,we have only some documents and granted files number are there and all related documents with dept but there are ready give a copy of those documents.what can be done in this case.what is the legal solution for this problem.
Guest (Expert) 06 June 2008
You can get the information you need by filing an apllication under the Right to Information Act 2005. Under that ACt, they are bound to give all sorts of records, that too within a specified time.

Find out the Details of the Public Information Officer of the Department, make DD for Rs.10/- and shoot an application to him mentioning in detail the documents you need.
vijay kumar kouloor (Querist) 06 June 2008
Thanks for your suggestion sir,where ru working now and which ur native place,can i have ur contact number plz,so i clearly explain the problem and talk to u.

Vijay Kumar
SROTAS -Global Legal Services (Expert) 06 June 2008
Hi Vijaykumar,
It depends upon the terms of licence. If your grandfather have valid license at the time of death. Then you can reapply and get the licence again. Please inform us whether you got the licence in the year 2004 again. If it is rejected, then you can give a representation to state government office and you have to file an appeal before the Government of India. If you need further clarification, Please feel free to contact in person to M/s.SROTAS- GLOBAL LEGAL SERVICES
contact person Mr.Satish.D.B
Mobile No.9900595252.

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