Money paid receiptcan any body file a civil suit with help of money paid receipt only for land purch
Bhika Reghiwale
(Querist) 09 May 2017
This query is : Resolved
Can any body file a civil suit
with help of money paid receipt only for land purchase i.e. isar pawati
( notarized ) in which no other evidence available, after 2.5 yrs. ?
Will court admit it?
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 09 May 2017
yes, u can file said civil suit in court.
Bhika Reghiwale
(Querist) 09 May 2017
Mr S kumar ( Expert )
Sorry Sir
this is a portion of qureries . Hence I am asking a ?.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 15 May 2017
State material facts of the problem if any.
How are you concerned / related with the query?
Looks like examination question.
(Expert) 10 July 2017
Civil suit for Recovery of money or Specific performance?
(Expert) 10 July 2017
if it is for money suit you can succeed.
if it is for Specific Performance you can not succeed.