MSBTE debarred me for 1 yr on the basis of doubt of copy
Syed Ashir Naved
(Querist) 03 March 2017
This query is : Resolved
Sir I m arsalan. Poly civil engg. Sir MSBTE debarred me in copy case. Only on the basis of doubt of copy MSBTE debarred 365 students of my department approx. All students. What can I do to save my 1 yr

(Expert) 05 March 2017
I will be very frank with you ,
I am not senior person just bit elder to you (Or you can say senior student)
It is practically waste of time going to Court against universities , educational institution and teachers . Main reason is that you divert your attention from your own studies and land in legal studies which eventually destroy you more academically in your present subject than benefiting you.
Better take this 1 year time , instead concentrate on your course take external help of teachers make your subject strong for one year , if you feel this year subject you know properly then move towards next year study (Privately) study the course properly and till then one year will be over and you will pass with good marks and eventually it will be blessing in disguise to you.
In my life many times situation came that I also felt like filling writ against Rules regulation affecting me against university etc. and every time instead of going to Court eventually I concentrated on study and then brought things under control , and when my study was good all rules where tactfully handled by teaching staff only for me.
So better follow my advice of studying your course properly then wasting time with judiciary
If you are not satisfied then MSBTE is formed by state act of MSBTE 1997 , under that act regulation are made for examination etc.
Either you have to contest those regulation as un-constitutional or against the act but the result you can expect after 5 years not now . Interim relief can be dangerous as it may be like subject to outcome of the suit /writ .
When you say more than 300 students problem is there then it can be case of mass copying allowed by examiner or institution (Which indeed take place at many places this is reality of life ) in that case better only thing you can do is through head of institution write letter to Director of technical education to allow you to give exam again etc. early
Please be polite and accept the decision
Any how there are various student cases going in High Court etc. you can contact Adv. if you feel so but it will be diverting your attention from your studies etc.

(Expert) 05 March 2017
Saving your one year can cost you too much, in terms of money, peace of mind, disturbance in studies, failures in exam, etc., but still with no surety save your one year, as can well be understood from Ms. Madhu's fully illustrated advice.
Forget about the episode and concentrate on your studies to secure better position.